miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Tu vida no se desperdicia cuando Cristo es tu mayor tesoro.

Sermon Jam - Don't Waste your Life from Junior on Vimeo.

Este video lo vi por primera vez hace ya un par de años, pero aun hoy para mí su mensaje sigue resonando como un llamado a redirigir mi vida cada día hacia lo único que es en verdad importante y valioso: la gloria de Cristo. Todo el tiempo encuentro en mí la horrible tendencia a valorar cualquier otra cosa antes que a Cristo, ya sea el dinero, la comodidad o la familia y los amigos, así como la enorme necesidad de arrepentirme y volver a poner la mirada en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. 

A continuación incluyo una transcripción de lo que se dice en el video:

How does Paul make Christ look great? Answer: By experiencing Christ as such a treasure that everything else in his life is as nothing by comparison. I count everything: 
Money as loss,
Food as loss,
Looks as loss,
Friends as loss, 
Family as loss,
Job and success as loss,
Graduation as loss,
In comparison with the treasure that Christ has become for me.
How do you make look great in your life and thus not waste it? 
Money is given to you, so that you might use money in a way that shows money is not your treasure, Christ is!
Food is given to you, so that you might eat it in such a way that it will plain food is not your treasure, Christ is!
Friends, family, are given to you so that you might live with them in such a way that it will be plain to the world they are not your treasure, Christ is!
Computers, toys, houses, lands, cars, are given to you so that you might use them in such a way that it will be plain to the world these are not your treasure, Christ is!
You talk about lifestyle implications: wartime living. The way we display the supreme worth of Jesus is by treasuring Him above all things and then making choices which make the joy we have in His supreme worth manifest.
Get it… Get it… And if He is not that for you tonight, if He’s not that treasure for you, pray -all night if you have too- that your heart will be so changed that you would now treasure Jesus above everything in your life.

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Porque la tierra que bebe la lluvia que muchas veces cae sobre ella, y produce hierba provechosa a aquellos por los cuales es labrada, recibe bendición de Dios. Hebreos 6:7